The Ozark Season 3 Trailer Is Here And Hot Damn I’m So In
Oh hell yes! The Byrds. Are. Back!
Just as March Madness starts to die down in the later rounds, Ozark Season 3 is there to pick up the slack. I’m trying to think of something that I’ve been more excited about in my entire life, and nothing is coming to mind. Ozark might be my favorite Netflix show since House of Cards (at least the first 3 seasons) and Love Is Blind (don’t you dare judge me!). Plus, it might be the only Netflix show with an intro under 5 minutes. The Ozark intro for each episode isn’t even long enough for a “Skip Intro” button to appear. Plus, each one gives you mini clues as to what’s going to happen in each episode.
If you haven’t started Ozark, do it today. You’ve got just under two weeks to get in two seasons, but trust me, you won’t need that long. Also, I should note it’s more addictive than Love Is Blind (again, don’t you dare judge me) and/or cocaine (topical joke).
Also, as a guy who has been to the Lake of the Ozarks many times, I’m sad to report that this show is actually filmed on some lake outside of Atlanta, Georgia. I know. Buzz kill, right? You probably feel the same way Marty Byrd did after he found out his wife Wendy was bopping their lawyer.