Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Korked Bats

That Funny Sports Blog

The Girl Scouts Have Made A New Cookie Flavor And There’s Nothing We’ve Deserved More

Ok, I feel like we’ve earned this. 2020 has been hell. It’s been an absolute fire gauntlet so far, and we’re only 2/3rds done. So I think we deserve a new Girl Scout cookie. Hell, 2021 should give us an extra 6 weeks of the McRib, extra episodes of Succession, and an extension of Toyota Truck Month into Toyota Truck Year.

Leave it to the Girl Scouts of America to pick us up when we are down. This is so on brand for them, because at the end of winter each year is when they start to come around to sell these bad boys to us to try and get us out of our cold weather, early sunset depressions that winter hits us with every year. And now 2020 has been the cold, dark, depressing winter of years, so here they are to pick us up again. So thank you to Madelyn, Emma, Olivia, Ayden, Evylyn, Addison, Harper, Amelia, Ava and Paisley. That probably covers every single Girl Scout.

Personally, I’m excited for this cookie. I’m a big French toast guy. Always have been. In fact, I was one of the few people who would ask my dad to buy this:

General Mills to Bring Back French Toast Crunch | US News
“You sure you don’t want CINNAMON Toast Crunch?” dad would ask.

So you know I’m about to feed sleeves of these cookies into my mouth like a road worker feeding a log into a wood chipper. Also, is it just me or does the cookie kind of look like the drawing of that leprechaun from that viral video back in the day.

The Alabama Leprechaun' is the greatest viral story of all time ...
“I wanna know where the gold at.”

Good on you, Girl Scouts for doing all you can to try and make 2021 not as bad as 2020. But by the time this cookie drops, we’ll probably all have COVID and lose the ability to taste. So is it even worth it? Who even cares anymore. In fact, they should drop a limited edition COVID flavor that comes with no taste or smell. I’d buy a box.

But since this is a blog about the G.S. Cooks, here’s my obligatory ranking of them:

  1. Samoas
  2. Tagalongs
  3. Girl Scout S’mores
  4. Thin Mints
  5. Do-Si-Dos
  6. Trefoils
  7. Lemon-Ups
  8. Toffee-Tastic

This is not up for debate.


Austin hosts a country music morning radio show in Chicago after nearly a decade in sports talk radio (The Jim Rome Show, Steve Gorman SPORTS!) Colin Cowherd and Smash Mouth follow him on Twitter and he wears pants every day.


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