The CineBoiz Are Now One of Us! Welcome The Newest Members of Korked Bats

If you saw me today, you’d be able to tell right away that I was giddy about something. But fortunately for me, we’re still in quarantine, so you can’t see me tickling myself out of pure joy.
The reason I’m so happy is because today, we’ve added to the Korked Bats team. No more is it just Grit, A.D., and myself. And the cool thing is, we’re not only adding one new guy or girl, we’re adding FOUR… ‘Boiz.
MOB, Kevin, Tom, and Kenny… or in short, The CineBoiz. You can get to know more about each of them individually here.
As of today, The Cineboiz Podcast is the newest podcast in the Korked Bats Podcast Network. How many times can I write the word podcast in a single sentence? The answer is apparently three.
Now, I know what you’re thinking. A new podcast?!

Sure. Everyone has a podcast these days. In fact, if there are 7 billion people on the planet, there are probably like 9 billion podcasts out there. But check these guys out, because I assure you, if you like movies, they’re worth the listen, and the follow.
Follow The Cineboiz on all socials (Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook) so your timeline is made better with new trailers, movie news, streaming suggestions and well, content like this:
Or this…
Or even this…
PLUS: They’re giving away a $25 Amazon gift card to one of their Twitter followers, so follow them now for a chance to win! (only while supplies last)
If you’re like me, you love movies almost as much (and sometimes more, after my teams lose) than sports. And these guys have that deep-seeded love of movies while also bringing that self-aware, don’t take themselves to seriously approach which makes for a fun time. When you listen to these guys talk movies, it’s like you’re at your buddies house talking movies with your friends. Only you’re not allowed to chime in with your opinion, because it’s a previously recorded podcast.
The coolest thing about The CineBoiz Podcast is that it only started a few months ago, so you can get in on the ground floor. In fact, you should go back and check out their 3-part Marvel Cinematic Universe draft. It was a really fun listen.
And of course, whenever a podcast is mentioned you are legally obligated to tell people to rate, review, and subscribe. So do that too.