The Best Tweets From The Last Dance – Episode 5 & 6
Here are some of our best tweets from episodes 5 and 6 of The Last Dance, with a bunch of other people’s great tweets that we saw mixed in. Enjoy1
When I ask my kids if they love me the most and they say they actually love mommy.
— Mark Ennis (@MarkEnnis) May 4, 2020
"we were going to do everything we could to make jerry look bad" should've been the name of the documentary lol
— Robby Kalland (@RKalland) May 4, 2020
MJ might wanna remember who Ahmad’s groomsmen were before getting an attitude…#TheLastDance
— PeytonsHead💭 (@BigHeadBS) May 4, 2020
Toni Kukoc talking about playing the dream team
— richie (@richiehomiequan) May 4, 2020
Twitter bio vs. LinkedIn bio
— Austin Huff (@AustinHuff) May 4, 2020
We don't talk enough about MJ's jacked up index finger.
— Chris Rongey (@ChrisRongey) May 4, 2020
I love that Sinbad got in the montage with Prince, Jerry Seinfeld, Bette Milder, Bill Murray and Muhammad Ali.
— Jimmy Traina (@JimmyTraina) May 4, 2020
my mom giving me lunch money
— keith van fujimoto (@oakleyandallen) May 4, 2020
Even Bulls players were trying to get tickets to see Jordan play
— Korked Bats (@korkedbats) May 4, 2020
when you're a kid visiting your white friend's house and he tells his mom to shut her stupid mouth
— David Dennis Jr. (@DavidDTSS) May 4, 2020
— Pete Blackburn (@PeteBlackburn) May 4, 2020
Big quarantine mood. #TheLastDance
— The Players’ Tribune (@PlayersTribune) May 4, 2020
this is Fred Armisen's best character yet
— Austin Huff (@AustinHuff) May 4, 2020
legends only
— whitney medworth (@its_whitney) May 4, 2020
What the hell type of Great Depression ass gambling game was that
— 🎅🏿America Is Musty🎅🏿 (@DragonflyJonez) May 4, 2020
Who snitched on Jordan and the Bulls?
— Korked Bats (@korkedbats) May 4, 2020
— Pablo S. Torre (@PabloTorre) May 4, 2020
Pat Riley is the only person that makes getting old look cool.
— lockout grit (@GRITknox) May 4, 2020
Steph Curry on Undercover Boss
— Korked Bats (@korkedbats) May 4, 2020
MJ when he sees two ants crawling up a wall
— jason c. (@netw3rk) May 4, 2020
when I hear the clicking stop at the apex of a rollercoaster
— Austin Huff (@AustinHuff) May 4, 2020
Me trying all my passwords
— Karen Howell (@karenehowell) May 4, 2020
Dennis, you're not going to Vegas again are you?
— Korked Bats (@korkedbats) May 4, 2020
"going to the pool?"
— Rob Perez (@WorldWideWob) May 4, 2020
Rodman could have answered Phil "maybe, ill let u know" like every shady person does when they dont wanna say to your face what they really think
instead: "no, im going to Hooters to watch some tits and ass"
just a statement of facts. respect the honesty.
Notable athletes to beat the Suns
— Korked Bats (@korkedbats) May 4, 2020
Michael Jordan brought one suit to Phoenix because the rest of his luggage was already filled with golf polos.#TheLastDance
— pwnteam (@pwnteam) May 4, 2020
That "Two Trey" license plate is more 90s that Butterfinger BBs.
— lockout grit (@GRITknox) May 4, 2020
jerry krause: i hate gambling and i love skinny jeans
— alex (@steven_lebron) May 4, 2020
michael jordan:
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