That Insane Ja Rule Greek Restaurant Commercial Is Just A Promo For His Latest TV Show, Because Of Course It Is
I’ll go ahead and ask what’s on everyone’s mind. Is Papa Cristo’s Greek Deli some sort of store front for Billy MacFarlane’s next scam? Let’s just go ahead and assume yes. Obviously, there are many questions about this video.
- Why did Ja agree to do this commercial?
- Did 2020 hit him harder than anyone?
- Should that Greek restaurant agree to do a commercial for Ja instead?
- Does Ja Rule know how to read an address?
- why did he read West Pico Boulevard as ‘West Boulevard Pico?”
- Why isn’t he wearing shoes?
- is that weird to anyone else? Like my man couldn’t even throw on some flip-flops?
- Is anyone else surprised Ja Rule’s shirt uses the correct spelling of Greece?
- Would not have been surprised to see him wearing an “I Love Grease” shirt.
But of course, as it turns out – and because this is 2020, it’s a ploy for something else. NOTHING IS SACRED ANYMORE. And nothing is organic anymore. Especially nothing involving Ja Rule. This was all just a set up for a bigger ploy, and that ploy is apparently a new TV show on TBS where celebrities use their fame to try and bring notoriety back to small businesses. And who is it hosted by? None other than I’m looking for the easiest route to make a buck Ja Rule.
Per CNN – The spot is actually for a new TBS reality TV show, “Celebrity Show-Off,” where stars compete with each other to create compelling content in order to attract YouTube views.Ja Rule said he made the video with the hope of helping a small business amid the Covid-19 pandemic.
I think we all stand together here with the same reaction…
Should’ve known anything associated with Ja Rule was not exactly what we thought.