World Cup
PICTURE: The World Cup Final Was Closer Than You Thought
Well… That World Cup Final certainly was close.
Dinosaurs At The World Cup
This is just a gallery of photos of dinosaurs at the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil.
PICTURE: Brazil Be Like…
This has gotten out of hand quickly.
Things Tim Howard Could Save
Going off of the popular hashtag #ThingsTimHowardCouldSave, we made a few of our own.
Two Fantastic USMNT Hype Videos To Get Your Blood Pumping
If these two videos don’t get you jacked up for U.S. Soccer, then check your pulse, because you’re dead.
Where’s Waldo?: World Cup Edition
We brought back the popular children’s game, Where’s Waldo?, with a special World Cup Edition. Play along!
USMNT Bandwagon Fan Application
Want to become a bandwagon fan of the U.S. Men’s National Soccer Team? Just fill out this application.
Will Ferrell Crashes USMNT Fan Headquarters In Brazil [VIDEO]
Will Ferrell crashed a U.S. Soccer fan pep-rally on the eve of the U.S.-Germany game, and of course, he gave a speech.
Netherlands Changing Their Name Again, This Time To Confuse Opponents
The Netherlands have announced today that they are changing their name again, effective immediately and in preparation of their knockout round matchup against Mexico.
Hulk Hogan Delivers Strong Pump-Up Speech For The USMNT [VIDEO]
Hulk Hogan has a pump-up speech for the U.S. Men’s National Team ahead of their match against Germany, because he’s Hulk Hogan.
35 Reasons Why You Should Cheer For Germany
As Americans, why should we be forced to cheer for America? We offer 35 things that Germany has to offer that are pretty awesome too.