Sean Payton
Other NFL Casting Decisions Made By The Person Who Casted Kevin James As Sean Payton
If the person who was responsible for casting Kevin James as Sean Payton was in charge of casting other NFL people, this is what we’d get.
Laziest Casting Director Of All-Time Casts Kevin James As Sean Payton
Ummmmmmmmm…. What? Who say Sean Payton and then thought, “I know who should play him… KEVIN JAMES!” WTF?!
If You’re Reading This, Name Your Kid “Sean”
We made a discovery. The NFL Playoffs are full of Seans. Like a ton of them. Especially considering the number of teams left.
2020 Has Been A Bad Year For Everyone, But None More Than Michael Thomas Fantasy Owners
Michael Thomas has been – in a word – unreliable this year. For a guy who claims to be the best receiver in the sport, that’s not exactly an attribute.
Saints Will Place Drew Brees In Plastic Bubble For Remainder Of The Season
The New Orleans Saints are being extra careful with Drew Brees after seeing his NyQuil commercials.
Saints “Headshots”
All this time we thought Gregg Williams was saying head shots. Turns out he was just saying headshots.
Friday Morning Quarterback
Mere minutes after last night’s Packers vs. Saints game, Bryce jotted down the winners, losers, and funny moments of the NFL opener.
Super Bowl Aftermath
Chip decided to watch a lot of TV last week and shows you what all this has taught him.