Adrian Peterson Is Back, Which Means Adrian Peterson’s Massive Dips Are Back
With the return of Adrian Peterson means one thing, the return of Adrian Peterson’s massive dips. The man notorious for chaw is back!
That Funny Sports Blog
With the return of Adrian Peterson means one thing, the return of Adrian Peterson’s massive dips. The man notorious for chaw is back!
Wes Welker is short and pops Molly… So this only made sense.
We come up with other reasons (aside from the obvious) why Johnny Manziel might roll up his money, like he’s doing in the most recent photo of him.
Mainly insist that it’s officially baseball season as PED distributors have now reported to Spring Training.
LSU Tigers CBs Mathieu and Simon as well as RB Ware all tested positive for synthetic marijuana. The good news is, they finally passed a test!
Frank is out of town this week, so Austin has hijacked his weekly Let Me Be Frank With You post. Austin rants about Frank, Erik Ainge, Auburn’s excess cash, male cheerleaders, and pointless TwitPics.
This is a Guest Post from funnyman Chris Nester. Chris is currently living in New York City trying to make it as a comedian. He has since started a blog. Check it out: