Jaguars Coach Calls His Assistants ‘Losers,’ Proceeds To Lose Next Game
Urban Meyer’s weekend has not gone very great. First it’s reported that he called his entire staff losers, but then he goes out and loses.
Aaron Rodgers Could’ve Made The Packers Get Anyone He Wanted And He Chose… Randall Cobb?!
Imagine being in Aaron Rodgers shoes this offseason and all you ask for at the end of it, is Randall Cobb. Randall BLEEPING Cobb. WTF?!
ESPN May Be Trying To Destroy The Big 12, But Have You Seen Bob Bowlsby’s Childlike Signature?
This ESPN vs. Big 12 drama is really getting juicy, but not as juicy as Big 12 Commissioner Bob Bowlsby’s signature. What the hell is that?!
There’s Been A Big Vat Of Gasoline Dumped Onto The Fire Of My Aaron Rodgers Theory
Aaron Rodgers has been found… in Hawaii? Hmmm, Austin has a theory about the drama surrounding Rodgers but not in the way you think.
Does Aaron Rodgers Even Know What Is Going On With Aaron Rodgers?
Nobody had a weekend quite like Aaron Rodgers and Green Bay Packers. What’s going on? We’re not sure, and it appears neither is Aaron.
The NBA We’ve Always Wanted
With all the news of free agency and possible trades, it’s hard to focus on the x’s and o’s anymore. Bryce has a plan to dramatically change the league to save us from countless stakeouts and leaked stories.