Female Sprinter Qualified For The Olympics Wearing Cool Ranch Dorito Earrings, But Nacho Cheese Doritos Are Better
An Olympic sprinter qualified for the games wearing Doritos Cool Ranch earrings, which sparks the debate, which are the best Doritos?
The Junk Drawer: Falcons Are Hilariously Sad, 3 Min. Rant On ‘The Bachelor,’ & Is ‘The Town’ Good?
A new episode of The Junk Drawer covering all the week’s biggest stories like blah blah Aaron Jones, garlic, blah blah, Falcons, staring contests blah blah!
Help Us Settle A Debate: Are Bread And Bagels The Same?
This is a debate that has been raging at Korked Bats for a while now. Are bread and bagels the same thing? Austin says no. A.D. says yes. What do you say?
Super Tuesday Debate Warmup
It’s a debate as old as time. One so important, it should the basis of every campaign this year. Do you put the letters on your truck tires in or out?