Houston Was Just A Little Bit Late With Their Defense [VIDEO]
The Houston Cougars’ defense came up just a bit late last night.
That Funny Sports Blog
The Houston Cougars’ defense came up just a bit late last night.
There were a couple weddings this weekend. There was also a break-up. And where in the world is Jimmer Fredette?!
Let’s be honest, if Jimmer Fredette wasn’t good at basketball, we’d be making fun of his name. Here are a list of other athletes that have ridiculous names.
After the Brandon Davies suspension, Korked Bats has acquired BYU’s Honor Code document. We’ve decided to post it so you know fully what’s against the rules at BYU.
How does Jimmer Fredette become the nation’s leading scorer and land a cute girlfriend all the while having the name Jimmer?
Check out this old school photo of NFL Hall of Famer getting a haircut in college. We give you the Korked Bats interpretation of this picture.