Friday, February 14, 2025

Korked Bats

That Funny Sports Blog

Starting To Think Texas Is *NOT* Back Based On Paul Finebaum’s Destruction Of Them On ‘Get Up’

If you just watched the video above, you might want to check your eyebrows because they probably got singed off from this scorching hot take from PAWWWWWL!

“Texas is no big deal other than to Texas fans. This is not a relevant program anymore. Go back to 2013 when Texas fired Mack Brown. He didn’t resign, he was shown the door. The same Mack Brown who now has North Carolina in the Top 10. Texas can’t even win its own state anymore. Lost two of its best players to Alabama. It’s pathetically behind Jimbo Fisher at Texas A&M and it’s way, way behind its biggest rival in Norman, Oklahoma. Texas is fighting for third at best in its own league.”

My man went on Get Up and too Texas DOWN. But I mean, upon further review…

Texas hasn’t been in the national picture since Colt McCoy was crying about wanting to go back in the game during halftime of the national title game in 2010. Seriously. Alabama didn’t just break Colt McCoy’s shoulder, they broke the whole damn program.

I dunno. You tell me. Is that the track record of a national powerhouse? I’m erring toward the side of no. But hey, to Texas’s credit, at least they finally found a way to win at the Alamo.

And if it looks like they’re on an upward trend, well, maybe pump the brakes, because remember, they just hired Steve Sarkisian. Yes, the same Steve Sarkisian who was fired from USC for showing up drunk to booster events and *allegedly* being drunk on game days. Now, sure, let he who hasn’t been drunk on a game day cast the first stone. But I’m pretty sure none of us are coaching on those game days.

“But, but… his offense at Alabama!” So what? If you get assigned to coach Alabama, you better have a great offense. They have more high school all-stars than the Under Armor All-American team. Every coach who has coached at Alabama has found success. Not because of the job they do. But because of Alabama. Texas doesn’t have that anymore. Hell, they can’t even out-recruit Alabama for kids in their own state. Why? Probably because the Texas brand doesn’t carry the same weight as it once did. Hell, it barely carries any weight any more. Texas is the New York Knicks of college football. Sure they have an amazing history. But no one thinks of either of them and powerhouse in the same sentence anymore. Not even the same paragraph. But with that said, at least the Knicks found a way to make it to the playoffs.

I just don’t think PAWWWL is wrong here. At all. Personally, I was never a fan of the Sark hire in Austin. Maybe it was because of his career 46-35 record. That doesn’t exactly scream “turnaround.” But I guess it does scream “Texas.”


Austin hosts a country music morning radio show in Chicago after nearly a decade in sports talk radio (The Jim Rome Show, Steve Gorman SPORTS!) Colin Cowherd and Smash Mouth follow him on Twitter and he wears pants every day.


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