Shame! Shame! Shame! Grit Failed To Meet His Deadline For Our NLCS Bet Made Last October
Have you seen this man?

Because TikTok sure as hell hasn’t.
Let me catch some of you up to speed. Last October, the Los Angeles Dodgers and Atlanta Braves squared off in the NLCS. Grit is a Braves fan, and I, a Dodgers fan. So naturally, we made a bet on our critically acclaimed and award-winning podcast, The Junk Drawer (subscribe, rate and review).
We left it to our listeners to come up with punishments, and you guys came through. Check out some of the suggestions:
So SPOILER WARNING, the punishment chosen was you had to spend 24 straight hours in a Waffle House. Which for me and my love for that fine dining establishment, it sounds nice… but when you actually think about it, 24 straight hours anywhere kinda sucks. And for 4 games into the NLCS, it looked as though I would be spending a day of my life in a Waffle House.
However, before the series started, we amended the punishment if Grit were to lose. Since he has two young kids, spending 24 hours anywhere outside of tending to their every need would just be poor parenting. And although having kids taken by social services would free Grit up to do more fishing, beer-drinking, and watching the Vols, we decided it probably wouldn’t be best in the long run. So we drew another punishment for him: film a cringey TikTok video but you have to be entirely serious. Woof.
So Grit, being the nobleman he is, said he would not only do that if the Braves were to lose, but he’d also do it in public, in a Waffle House – to make up for him changing the punishment.
Well, as you all know, the Dodgers came back from being down 3-1 in the series to win the National League pennant. Which meant Grit was about to “corvette, corvette” or go “classic, bougee, ratchet” next to line cooks.
The NLCS concluded on October 18th.
It’s February 16th.
We’ve gotten sporadic updates on The Junk Drawer about where we stand with this TikTok.
- the filming for said TikTok has started
- he is filming on location at multiple Waffle Houses (I think six?)
- he has not made it to every Waffle House yet
- since the filming was taking so long, we set a deadline for Pitchers & Catchers reporting
- Pitchers & catchers reported today
We all agreed that it needed to be done no later than pitchers & catchers reporting. Well, that day is today.
When all is said and done, this is going to be the TikTok version of Boyhood.

Will he pay off this bet? I’m confident he will. Otherwise he’ll just have random clips of him dancing at other Waffle Houses on his phone for forever. But he did not meet the deadline we set out for him.
So if you see Grit on the streets, ring your bell and yell, “Shame!”

Or just straight up BOO him!

Or do the 2021 version of hating someone and just angrily tweet at them (@gritknox). I’m not a fan of online mobs grabbing their pitchforks and canceling people. But Grit needs to be held accountable. For the good of the people. And the bad of the Braves.
Release the TikTok, Grit.
P.S. – Listen to The Junk Drawer!