Saturday, February 8, 2025

Korked Bats

That Funny Sports Blog

Sean McDermott Was Caught Talking On A Cell Phone At Halftime – Who Was He Talking To?

The Bills had a miraculous win at New Era Field in Buffalo on Sunday. They beat the Patriots for the first time at home since 2011. Talk about sad. A team you play every year at home, and you haven’t beaten them in almost 10 years. I almost feel bad for the Billy Goats.

Despite the outcome, a Patriots game of course couldn’t go without controversy. Shockingly enough, it’s not the Patriots at the heart of the controversy. Bills HC Sean McDermott was caught by CBS cameras at halftime talking on his cell phone.


Cell phones are STRICTLY prohibited during games, like filming the other team’s sidelines. This type of controversy begs the question: JUST WHO WAS MCDERMOTT TALKING TO AT HALFTIME?

Maybe McDermott was making a call to the irrigation room?

I feel like there could be a pretty good chance that McDermott was contacting the Buffalo Turf Company to reserve his piece of New Era Field turf.

He could have been contacting former disgruntled Patriots employee, Tom Brady. What better way to stop the Patriots than by learning their trade secrets from someone that knows them best?

Tom Brady's biggest mistake in Deflategate - Business Insider

Even better, why not contact someone who has stopped the Patriots before? The man, the myth, the legend… ELI MANNING. No one, and I mean no one (aside from Nick Foles), knows how to stop the Patriots better than this goof:

Odds are, though, it was just one of these calls: “Hi there, this is Shasta calling in regards to your Volkswagen warranty. The warranty is up for renewal. I’d like to congratulate you on your $1,000 instant rebate and free maintenance and oil change package for being a loyal customer. Call me back at 888-206-9420 to redeem now. Once again that number was 888-206-9420. Thank you so much. Have a great day.

Maybe those are a stretch. Because let’s be real, McDermott was calling his friends to help support the Korked Kampaign brought to you by Korked Bats. We’re making a push for 1,000 followers on Instagram (#loftygoals #influencer) and McDermott must have caught wind of it. Is it douchey to ask for followers? Of course. But we’re close, and we want to get over the hump.

So be like Sean McDermott and follow @korkedbats and help spread the good word of Korked Bats.

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Can we do it? YES WE CAN.

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Also, if this blog felt like a trick, like you stumbled into one giant ad for our Instagram feed, I’m sorry. And one last thing, follow @korkedbats.


A.D. is a Steelers season ticket holder and remembers when Wiz Khalifa was good. He hails from Pitt(sburgh), and has swam in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.


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