Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Korked Bats

That Funny Sports Blog

Ryan Tannehill Ripped A Big Ol’ Fart All Over Everyone Who Destroyed Him For His “Mentoring” Stance

Tough day for Ryan Tannehill haters worldwide.

Especially guys like Big Razz, who now have to find another character flaw to clown Tannehill for. After he squashed advertised tweet gate, he’s now completely killed off mentor-gate after meeting with the media after OTA’s today.

“I meant no disrespect to Malik or anything like that,” Tannehill said on Tuesday. “We’ve been in constant communication since he was drafted. I’m disappointed in how things got spun and twisted a little bit. I pride myself on being a great teammate my whole career going back to when I was a kid playing youth sports.”

via ESPN.com

That sound you hear is ever Tanne-denier pulling muscles reaching for a new narrative to rip him for.

“As soon as it blew up, I reached out to him and said, ‘Hey, I’m going to be a great teammate to you, I’m going to support you. They’re making this out to something that it’s not to be. It’s not what it’s been made out to be at all,'” he said. “He’s been good. He was great with it throughout the whole time. It’s been great to have him in the room and build that relationship.”

In fact, let’s go ahead and take a moment of silence for all the Big Razz’s out there today who will need a lot of time to figure out a new plan to destroy Tannehill.

Lol, just kidding. They won’t put that much time into it, they’ll just open up phone lines to “get YOUR reaction” and “talk about what YOU wanna talk about!”

So let this be a good litmus test for who’s opinion you should take and/or listen to. After Tannehill squashed it and Malik Willis himself came out and called Ryan a “great teammate,” said he’s been over to Tannehill’s home and squashed this little “mentor-gate,” if there’s anyone still trying to stroke the flames of this narrative, you know they’re a dodo bird.

Now, I know this may come across like I’m carrying Tannehill’s water, or in the words of one specific tweeter who tweets at me whenever I say anything even remotely positive about Tannehill, “I have Tannehill’s nuts in my mouth,” but honestly, I’m not some massive Tannehill stan (nor have I ever claimed to be), I’m more of what they call a Titans stan. It may appear like I have “Tanny’s nuts in my mouth,” because I defend him when he’s being unjustly ripped to shreds. But somehow, we got to a place where there is no nuance when it comes to #17. If you don’t piss on his grave, then you have his testicles in your mouth. There is no ground for someone like me who is severely disappointed in his playoff performance against the Bengals, but also isn’t ready to burn his house down the next time he throws a pick at Nissan Stadium. Maybe that’s just because I came to terms early on that the Titans are rolling with him under center for – at least – another season, so I figured I’d support him until he’s no longer wearing two-toned blue. You know, like a fan of the Titans would. If you’re a Titan, I support you. If you’re not, I don’t. That simple, really. So I guess that’s why I come to the defense of a guy who I think gets wrongly clowned because he threw three interceptions in an important game.

Which is why I’m glad he came out and handled what became an extremely overblown offseason topic by removing the ammo out of every talking head’s mouth bazooka. And putting his nuts in mine, apparently.

Allow me to be the first to say RIP in peace to “mentor-gate,” gone but not forgotten.


May 3, 2022 – May 24, 2022


Austin hosts a country music morning radio show in Chicago after nearly a decade in sports talk radio (The Jim Rome Show, Steve Gorman SPORTS!) Colin Cowherd and Smash Mouth follow him on Twitter and he wears pants every day.
