Monday, February 17, 2025

Korked Bats

That Funny Sports Blog

Richie Incognito Cries When Scar Dies At The End of “The Lion King”

Incognito Lion King 1

BUFFALO, NY – Former Miami Dolphins OL and new Buffalo Bills signee Richie Incognito sat alone in his living room, moments after the credits began to roll on the popular Disney animated movie, The Lion King.

Tears were trickling down Incognito’s fat face. He didn’t want the movie to end this way. “How could they let Scar die in the end? What did he ever do wrong?” Incognito shouted, before throwing his popcorn bowl at the screen.

Incognito added that he felt like Scar was just misunderstood. “Out of context, sure, killing Mufasa probably looked pretty bad,” Incgonito said. “But we weren’t there. We don’t know the atmosphere within Pride Rock.” Incognito further pleaded that Scar probably hosted lion meetings at the watering hole, and would fine any lions that didn’t show.

The emotionally distraught lineman continued by saying, “Did you ever think that maybe Simba was a panzy? And maybe Rafiki held closed-door meetings with Scar, asking him to ‘toughen up’ Simba? Because that happens sometimes, in which case, it’s not Scar’s fault at all.” Incognito wishes everyone would reserve judgement until we get a chance to see the thousands of text messages that Scar and Mufasas probably shared together.

Incognito recently signed with the Buffalo Bills, probably misreading their team name, thinking they were the Buffalo Bullies..

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This post was created by Austin. You can follow him and his jokes on Twitter: @TheAHuff

Also, for up-to-the-minute sports jokes, follow Korked Bats on Twitter: @KorkedBats


Austin hosts a country music morning radio show in Chicago after nearly a decade in sports talk radio (The Jim Rome Show, Steve Gorman SPORTS!) Colin Cowherd and Smash Mouth follow him on Twitter and he wears pants every day.


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