Monday, February 10, 2025

Korked Bats

That Funny Sports Blog

Quarantine Forced Minkah Fitzpatrick Into Veganism – Our Thoughts And Prayers Go Out To Him

Earlier this week, I found a new favorite show. “Big” Bud Dupree, Steelers outside linebacker, debuted his show “Bud Brought A Buddy” on Instagram. Hopefully the first of many guests, Bud brought on his buddy and fellow Steelers teammate, Minkah Fitzpatrick.

After asking standard “Bud Brought A Buddy” questions like, “Who is your favorite bud?” and “Which hospital were you born in?” Bud challenged Minkah to a classic game of “Two Truths and A Lie”. Minkah came up with 3 super difficult responses, that I would’ve struggled tremendously on. It was harder than an SAT question. Minkah hit him with:

  1. I went vegan for 5 months
  2. I speak Spanish
  3. I did karate for 6 years

TBH, I would’ve guessed karate for 6 years. Six is way too specific of a number for Minkah to lie about that. And why would you ever lie about that? Find out Bud’s response below:

Dammit, Bud and I were on the same wavelength.

My takeaway from that is “huh, NFL Superstars. They’re just like us.” While we were all struggling to find toilet paper and paper towels at the store, Minkah was struggling to find the foods he needed to continue to be vegan. Imagine that.

A lot of respect to Minkah for coming clean about going vegan for five months. Sounds like a personal hell. I’m like an Arby’s. I need the meats. Wait no, that’s not how that goes. You get my point, though. It would be near impossible for me to do that. Don’t get me wrong, I love myself a nice, fresh green salad but sometimes it just doesn’t get the job done. So I can’t imagine ONLY eating that for a season and a half. You need that meat protein to feel normal. Minkah claims it gave him more energy and made him feel lighter but is it really worth it? In the middle of a pandemic, that answer is no.

I love that Minkah said “once that quarantine hit,” and you knew exactly when and where he was talking about. We are not alone. We are all in this together. Just ask the Titans. I’ll let Joe Burrow’s Instagram post do the talking for me:


A.D. is a Steelers season ticket holder and remembers when Wiz Khalifa was good. He hails from Pitt(sburgh), and has swam in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.


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