Monday, February 17, 2025

Korked Bats

That Funny Sports Blog

Pat Mahomes And His Fiancé’s Bridal Party Gifts Are Better Than Yours And They’ll Rub It In Your Face Too

We all remember when Patrick Mahomes got 2 rings before the start of the NFL season last year. The first from their Super Bowl victory over the San Francisco 49ers and the second was the massive, literal rock he got for his fiancée, Brittany Matthews, a.k.a. Jackson Mahomes’ background dancer.

Patrick spared no expense when it came to his proposal. He surprised Brittany with more flowers than your local dispensary and a ring nearly the size of Texas. (valued at some ridiculous amount between $350,000-$800,000)

In a similar fashion to the proposal, Patrick and Brittany also spared no expense when it came to asking their friends/family to be in their bridal party. But, can you blame them after Patrick signed his 10 year/$450 million contract????

Of course, their wedding plans were set off course briefly, at least for 9 months, with the birth of their baby girl. But now they have set their sights on a wedding. First up on the list? Ask your bridal party to be in the wedding. Brittany gave us a look into how the 2 of them did that via her IG story:

Let’s start off with Patrick’s groomsmen gifts. Very nice. A Rolex watch, sure, why not? Some people work their entire lives in order to afford a Rollie (is that what the kids say?) and some people get them just for being in a wedding. I have no idea what a Rolex costs but I was able to find a pre-owned one online for the low, low price of $10,800. Why do I feel like these types of gifts always have to have some sort of corny saying on them? Is that industry standard?

BUT WAIT THERE’S MORE?!?!?! A really nice-looking custom flask… and a plastic bottle mini-bottle of Fireball? You lost me at Fireball, Patrick. You couldn’t pony up a few more dollars for something just a little bit nicer? Like Jack Fire. I feel bad for his groomsmen here.

As if Jackson Mahomes wasn’t annoying enough, Brittany reposted the video of him drinking the Fireball shot and I guess fake throwing up? Very funny. Like very funny. It made her WHOLE day.

As for Brittany, she surprised her bridesmaids with stuff that, as a guy, I’m not even sure I can appreciate. Sure, I’ve heard of Cartier, but did I know they make bracelets? No. She re-posted videos of her bridesmaids opening their gifts ecstatically so it must be a big deal to get one of those. After some brief Google searches these bracelets go for anywhere from $4,000-$11,000. And then Brittany got a surprise from one of her bridesmaids…..

Imagine opening up Patrick or Brittany’s bridesmaid or groomsman gift and then internally freaking out that Brittany is about to open yours. I’m sure @MelisaaaMiller was thinking, “please don’t post to your Instagram, please don’t post to your Instagram.” Let’s go through this box:


If your house is like mine, you have way too many tumblers or things to keep your drinks cold, but now Brittany has one with her name on it. Perfect for when someone else has the same exact tumbler as you and you can tell the difference.


Oh nice, some chapstick. I just put my last one through the wash, so this is actually perfect. I’m sure it cost two whole dollars at a gas station.

Lip Balm? Maybe Makeup?

Something that’s pink and white and looks like lip balm? Or maybe an old retainer container? Not even going to try and guess what that is.

And… Fruit Snacks?!

HOLD UP…. are those FRUIT SNACKS??? WTF!

Patrick gave his dudes a Rolex and a flask, Brittany gave her girls some expensive jewelry, and this chick essentially packed Brittany an elementary school lunch. To make matters worse, Brittany posted this AFTER she posted all the stories about her and Patrick’s bridal party gifts. I actually feel bad for @MelisaaaMiller, really hoping it was just an inside joke but how would we ever know? Luckily, for Patrick, @MelisaaMiller put 2 packs of fruit snacks in there. That is if Brittany shares with him. She seems like the kind of girlfriend who gets very hangry.

**Full disclosure** I am also getting married this year and all I did was send a text message asking if people would want to be in my wedding, so I don’t really have much room to talk I guess. Sorry, boys. Your Rolexes fruit snacks are in the mail.



A.D. is a Steelers season ticket holder and remembers when Wiz Khalifa was good. He hails from Pitt(sburgh), and has swam in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.


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