Friday, February 14, 2025

Korked Bats

That Funny Sports Blog

Our Instagram Account (@korkedbats) Has Been Locked By Serbian Tennis Fans (We Think.)

Imagine seeing this message on your Instagram the Monday after a three-day weekend:

Then imagine seeing this message as a sports blog that relies on social media to share our top-notch content (and yes, top notch content is the douchiest of phrases) just days away from the first NFL game of a pandemic-stricken year.

Hell yes WE THINK YOU MADE A MISTAKE, Instagram! Did we just get zucked by Mark Zuckerberg? This is CODE RED.

A joke gone wrong. A simple misunderstanding. These are the things that come to mind when we think about what went wrong.

Over the weekend, Novak Djokovic absolutely nailed a line judge in the throat with a ball. I mean absolutely pelted her. It could have potentially crushed her wind pipe. Hopefully you read Gator’s blog on it. Luckily for her and Djokovic, she was okay. Seems like the perfect opportunity for a joke, no? Unfortunately, little did we know it would cause us an insufferable amount of pain and anguish. Perhaps not as much as the poor line judge BUT it’s gotta be up there.

We think it’s a complete possibility that the entire country of Serbia waged war on our Instagram post, sticking up for their King Djokovic. There were a number of comments on the post (before it was deleted) that said things like “he clearly didn’t mean to do that” and “get a life loser” and “you Americans always love to try and bring Djokovic down.” No more than 24 hours later and we received the virtual jail sentence. We are locked up harder than Akon in the early 2000’s. They won’t let us out.

WE NEED YOU! We need the KB Army to help spread the word and #FreeKorkedBats on Instagram. We have already received a tremendous amount of support but we need our community to pull together to help FREE us.

via @the_greatgetzby
via @racciato21
via @Mom
via @coryball
Lol, thanks Korked Beers!

Anyway, follow Korked Bats on Instagram and help us out if you don’t mind. The account isn’t suspended, just locked. And this lock of our account couldn’t have happened at a worse time. The NFL starts Thursday and we had a lot of top-notch content (DOUCHEY PHRASE ALERT!) planned for this week.



A.D. is a Steelers season ticket holder and remembers when Wiz Khalifa was good. He hails from Pitt(sburgh), and has swam in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.


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