Our Favorite Athlete Quarantine Tweets (So Far)
Quarantine sucks. Not just because we have to stay in our own homes by ourselves, but because pro athletes are given more free time to do things like make TikTok videos.
If I have to see another :15 second choreographed dance from a pro athlete, I’m going to throw my phone out the window.
However, all the excess free time does also mean they are tweeting more, which has been hilarious. We collected some of our favorite tweets of quarantine so far (If you have any to add, tag us: @korkedbats).
Pat Mahomes is all of us right now.
If Christian Bale can play Dick Cheney, Taylor Lewan could easily play Joey Ex.
Brady’s only been there a couple weeks and he’s already got the guys on the TB12 diet.
This tweet isn’t exclusive to quarantine.
I mean, it’s not like I have anything better to do.
We all make mistakes.
Father sky, mother earth, and dear old uncle Tony running point.
Of all the people to quote in your hieroglyphics font. Albert Einstein? Martin Luther King Jr.? Socrates?
Nope. Darlene Snell from Ozark.
She’s not even the best character in that show. Smh.
This might be the funniest tweet of all of quarantine. Forever a Patriot (except right now when I’m a Buc).
If you have some funny athlete tweets to add, tag us: @korkedbats