Miracle Monday
It’s a miracle that girls know anything about current events in sports.
You know what I found out today? That Tiger Woods is winning golf tournaments again. Do you know what that means? That women have forgotten to pray that he will lead a miserable and winless life. Either that, or all of the feminist witch doctors have put their Tiger Woods VooDoo dolls up on a shelf. We need you back on point ladies. كازينو888 I’ve heard The Masters start any day now, and we can’t have no trifling hustler beating people in a gentleman’s sport.
Also it’s a miracle that in 1980, there was a United States ice hockey team that beat the Soviet’s. قوانين بلاك جاك We (Americans) usually try to keep stuff like this on the down low because the less angry the Soviet’s are, the better. ماكينات القمار
You know who else needs a miracle?
The Flour Thrower
The flour thrower doesn’t want to make a public appearance just yet. A few days ago, she was seemingly hired by one of the many people that have been super curious as to what Kim Kardashian would like like with salt and pepper hair. It is a question that has been on quite a few people’s minds. I know it’s been on mine.
I hope that somewhere Kim Kardashian’s ex-huband, who I think is named Kris, is enjoying a quiet laugh over this flour debauch-al. He doesn’t always have things in his life that seem funny. Especially how he kind of looks like Frankenstein and the fact that he really isn’t any good at basketball.
Well, I was able to bring it back around to sports, you’re welcome sports fans.
Happy Miracle Monday.
(This is not a sanctioned holiday.)
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