Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Korked Bats

That Funny Sports Blog

Look Before You Leap Day

Yesterday was one of those days that only happens once every four years. And since I will most likely be too famous to write for Korked Bats in 2016 (not that I won’t remember who gave me my start), I thought I would take this opportunity to recap the last four years (and beyond) and their most legendary leaps. لعبة القمار ورق

If you don’t know him by now, you will never ever know him… wooooo-oooooooooo

(this is the most recent NBA Slam Dunk Contest champion, because he dunked two basketballs at once.)

(His name is Jeremy Evans.)

We are still unsure as to whether or not this “giant leap” really happened.

And now we are sending “robots” instead of people. اربح

Very suspicious, NASA.

I have to talk about the giant LINP DAY

(that’s the very un-punny version of LEAP with the obvious emphasis on the current Knicks star)

The 2011 Cardinals made a pretty big leap from being not really a good team (except for that one guy that with the bathroom humor last name), to a team that won the World Series without being one of those New York teams that seem to win everything.

Kris Humphries has held on to the leap into stardom. Barely.

One year ago, everybody not named Kim Kardashian was clueless as to who this guy was.

Now he has been there, done that.

Bring on the ladies.

Steve Urkel.

I know that he has another name, but no one knows it.

He is making a less significant leap than you might think would land him on this fine list, but he is making the leap into the arms of reality television. He will be dancing his heart out with the other big stars of the late 1990’s.

This is one of the biggest leaps that any human, non-human, or scientologist has made.

At least he doesn’t spray poisonous venom.

See below:

As I learned as a small child playing hop scotch in a cemetery, look before you leap.

And in four years, if you don’t have awesome plans on Leap Day, just remember, you could be in March already. العب واربح المال الحقيقي

• • •

This post is a part of our bi-weekly The Ladies Room posts for Korked Bats.

Follow The Ladies Room on Twitter: @KBLadiesRoom – Or follow Erin, TLR writer: @erinmcgown

As always, be sure to follow Korked Bats and our up-to-the-minute sports jokes: @korkedbats

One thought on “Look Before You Leap Day

  • Avatar
    March 1, 2012 at 1:16 pm

    i laughed at everything in this post. you win a gold medal for this one. or a golden statue. or a golden keyboard. whatever internet blog writers win for being extremely funny. that’s what i’m giving you.


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