Life Is Returning To Normal: In The First Game Philadelphia Allows Fans, We Got A Fight
With all that has gone on in our crazy world over the past nine months, it was refreshing to see some familiar scenes down in South Philadelphia, and for about 4 hours yesterday (particularly toward the end of the game) there was finally a sense of normalcy in our lives.
These lovely, well-spoken gentlemen were just giving a warm Philadelphia welcome to some folks from Baltimore — it wouldn’t have been an official Birds game without it. Side note: I have it on good authority (I know one of these guys from high school) that they both have been temporarily banned from all NFL games, a Philadelphian’s right of passage.

Now that we’ve discussed the most important thing that happened yesterday–let’s talk about the game that was apparently going on while all of this was taking place. In yet another game filled with questionable coaching calls, dropped passes, and created players scoring touchdowns for the Birds (I am almost positive that the Ravens secondary – and everyone else – thought Jason Croom was a cardboard cutout from the stands), they somehow put up a fight against one of the best all-around teams in the NFL, and put themselves in a position to win. In fact, by the way all Philly fans were acting after the game, you would’ve thought they had won. It might have something to do with the fact that all of these degenerates took the Birds with the points (one of the few things Gator got right this weekend) and covered, securing their half gallon of raspberry iced tea from Wawa for the week.
With all of that said, while I am happy that the pandemic has ended and life is returning to the way it was before, I wish it didn’t have to come at the expense of the Eagles’ receivers. I am beginning to think that the Birds’ pass droppers have sold their hands to the devil, in exchange for the cure to the virus. It’s the only explanation that makes sense as to why every single Philadelphia Eagles wide-receiver has lost the ability to catch a ball. The only way they can even score now is by having the running back fumble the ball into the end zone and literally hand them a touchdown (Yes, that was JJ Arcega-Whiteside’s first, and probably his only, touchdown of his career, and yes, this is now his second year in the league after being drafted in the second round).
Thanks, Howie. Keep up the good work.
Go Birds.
***Just a reminder that the pandemic is NOT actually over. Please continue wearing a mask!