Let Billy Gilman Take You Into The Weekend
There are countless people in America who charge hundreds if not thousands of dollars for seminars, workshops, and conferences all about getting you to feel your best. These people are often referred to as motivational speakers, and what the ideas and motivation they try to force feed you through their little Ted Talks will never amount to the two words tweeted by one William Wendell Gilman III, aka Billy Gilman.
Two words. One jpeg. All the feels.
I mean, my gosh, has there ever been a picture in the history of photography that has ever truly encompassed Friday Feels the way Gilman did with this sassy leaned back on a railing pose?
My man is rocking his tilted fedora, black tee, and (presumably) H&M jeans with enough swag to make the world stop turning on its axis. I see this photo, and I feel like I can capture the world. I see this photo and I feel like Kevin Garnet after Game 7 of the NBA Finals. Anything is possible!
Oh, and if for some reason you have no idea who Billy Gilman is, then you clearly don’t remember the snaggly-toothed kid from 2001 singing One Voice, which peaked at #38 on the Billboard Hot 100.
Have a good weekend.