LeBron James Is The Worst Kind Of Sports Fan
Noted Yankees Indians Dodgers fan LeBron James would like you to know that he’s all in on this year’s Dodgers team.
Ugh. I’m a Dodgers fan and even I’m annoyed. So I guess LeBron is all in on the Dodgers now? Great. Add them to the list of teams he supports.
Look, LeBron isn’t the first celebrity to move to L.A. and adopt the Dodgers. And he sure as hell won’t be the last. But it’s not just a Dodgers thing with him. In fact, LeBron is the worst kind of sports fan. The person who moves to a new town and automatically adopts the team in their new city. BUT – and this is an important distinction – only if that team is good.
LeBron’s sports fandom has wavered so much, so there’s plenty of evidence to back our claim. If you remember, early in LeBron’s first stint with the Cavs, he famously wore his Yankee lid to a 2007 Yankees-Indians postseason game in Cleveland.

This obviously didn’t sit well with Cleveland. But as a sports fan, you have to respect it. Not the fact that he grew up rooting for the Yankees in arguably one of the easiest eras to root for the Yankees, especially when he grew up a Chuck Knoblauch throw away from Cleveland. No, you have to respect that he didn’t waver on his childhood team to cow-tail to the home crowd. He took flack for doing what he did, but you have to respect that he stayed true to his (already really good) team.
However, the Indians ended up winning that series, and in the ALCS, LeBron was in a produced video by the Cavs wishing the Indians luck. Still not the worst thing in the world. You could chalk this up as good sportsmanship rather than bandwagoning. So let’s move on.
Then came 2016, when the Indians were in the American League Championship Series, and wouldn’t ya know it… who was right there in a box to watch the team decked out in Tribe gear?

Now, you may be thinking, “So what? The guy likes to pull for the other teams in the city he’s currently playing in.” Yeah, you’d think that, wouldn’t you? Except what about when he spent five years with the Miami Heat? Did you notice he didn’t really adopt the Marlins at all?

Oh yeah, that’s probably why.
But now the guy has been in Los Angeles for like two seconds and he’s already live tweeting Dodgers postseason games. I’m sorry, LeBron. But you’re the WORST kind of fan. And it’s not just with baseball.
Sure, he’s a Yankees fan, but he’s also a Cowboys fan.

And he’s a Kentucky fan as well.

And wouldn’t ya know it, now he’s a Lakers fans too.

Shawwwwwwwker. He literally just hit for the douchey sports fan cycle right there. I mean, LeBron is the exact kind of sports fan we all joke about.
But let’s be real, we all know someone like this. Maybe they grew up a Twins fan, but when a job relocated them to Chicago, they adopted the Cubs… during their 2016 run to the World Series. Or maybe they moved from St. Louis to Washington D.C. and were all in on the Capitals during their Cup run in 2018, until 2019 when they remembered they were from St. Louis and became all in on the Blues for their Cup run. And I can’t even imagine the number of Instagram influencers who recently migrated to Nashville and are hopping on the Titans bandwagon now that they’re undefeated. The point here is no matter these people’s geographical location… they suck.
They’re not even bandwagon fans. Bandwagons move slow, and you normally stay on them until you get where you need to go. These are Frequent Flyer Fans. Because they jet set from team to team. Racking up milage and championships as they go.
And LeBron is just that. A frequent flyer fan. He spends as much time with each team as he does with each book.

He never gets past the first few pages.
Now look, LeBron, I know you never went to college, LeBron, but let me teach you something real quick: The word fan is short for fanatic. And you can’t be fanatic about a team if you’re changing every other year. So pick a team, and stick with them. If you picked the Cowboys after their mid-90s run, that’s now your cross to bear for life. You chose the Yankees? Congrats, you now have to watch Aaron Judge bump his head trying to rob home runs.

Side note: How does LeBron have 47.9 million Twitter followers? That question was redundant, because obviously I know. He very well could go down as the second greatest – if not greatest – NBA player in history. He’s one of the biggest and baddest athletes on the planet right now. I know why people follow him. But honestly, he kinda sucks on Twitter.