Journo Advice: Maybe Don’t Ask A Pitcher About His Tight Pants Immediately After A Playoff Loss
I’m no journalist. Obviously. I run a comedic sports blog. Pretty much the antithesis of a journalist. But you can probably tell from my use of the word antithesis that I still probably went to a journalism school. And I did. I got my bachelors of journalism from the University of Missouri, the first journalism school in America. Not to brag.
I don’t remember much from what I learned at Mizzou’s journalism school (or j-school, as us cool kids called it in college), outside of a few important points. Again, I didn’t exactly “make it” in journalism. I run a comedic sports blog. But here are the few things I remember:
1. when writing a newspaper article, never bury the lede
2. never use passive voice (I’m still not exactly sure what passive voice is, but I know not to use it whenever I find out)
3. never lose control of or hand over the microphone during a live spot interview
and most importantly…
4. never ask a pitcher about his tight pants after a tough playoff loss… even if they were trending on Twitter.
Dammit, Michael! You ruined the press conference for everyone! I’m sure some guy with the L.A. Times had a question about Walker Buehler struggling with pitch location and if that had anything to do with the two blisters on his fingers. But he couldn’t get his question in because friggin’ Michael had to get his cute question in about Buehler’s tight pants.

Now look, were we all wondering what Walker would think about his tight pants trending on Twitter? Especially on the night of an overtime Monday Night Football game? Of course. But you have to read the room. Time and place, Michael. TIME. AND. PLACE.
Ask him tomorrow. Or after a win. Or literally any time outside of the minutes following an excruciating playoff loss in the NLCS. Look, you’re a jounro, so I get it. You wanna have the big scoop before everyone else. But when it comes to tight pants trending on Twitter, pretty sure this story can wait a day. However, like Buehler, you can use this night to learn from your mistakes.
P.S. – Michael probably went to Syracuse. Typical Syracuse.
P.P.S. – Here’s Buehler in his tight pants for those wondering.