Jimmy Kimmel Asks Cody Bellinger The Question America Needed Answered: Is He High?
Being parked outside a Subway in Blythe, California isn’t the best way to convince people you’re not high, Cody. Especially if your connection freezes right after the question, but hey, to each his own I guess. Question starts at the 4:25 mark.
I also love the wording. He’s not high DURING games. Which makes sense, because he’s probably high every other moment in his life. Including during this interview. He’s baseball’s J.R. Smith. With a shirt on.
Also, Jimmy asking the Dodgers if it was easier to win a World Championship when the other team isn’t cheating was *chef’s kiss*.
Take a hike Ken Rosenthal. Jon Morosi kick rocks. You guys had all postseason to ask the important questions and here Jimmy Kimmel does your jobs for you in 5 minutes.
Anyway, here’s Cody “not high” during games…