It’s Time Again To Make Sure Everyone’s Seen Insane Clown Posse’s “Miracles” Music Video
While spending some time on Twitter dot com today, I noticed this tweet from my good friend, fellow Junk Drawer co-host, and KB blogger Grit.
So naturally, an Insane Clown Posse reference was made.

Naturally, I wasn’t the only person to reference this fine piece of musical greatness. Unfortunately, however, it was soon revealed that Grit had no idea what we were talking about. It was to my shock and awe that Grit, a loving father of two, was blissfully unaware of the Insane Clown Posse’s hit song Miracles (and the music video that accompanies it). Not to take anything away from the Clown Posse, but THAT is insane.
Grit is no ostrich with his head in the sand (MIRACLES!), so if he’s never seen this music video or heard this song, that makes extremely nervous for how many other people haven’t seen it. So an immediate emergency blog was drafted up to not only inform my good friend, fellow Junk Drawer co-host, and KB blogger Grit, but to inform the millions of others who probably haven’t seen it either.
Please watch this entire thing. At least once.
Give this song (and video) ALL of Kanye’s pissed-on Grammy’s.
This thing is like a page from a Where’s Waldo? book. The more you stare at it, the more things you see. Now sure, this song may seem like a joke. It has the same special effects of an early internet meme video on eBaum’s World. If you’re old enough to get that reference, then you’re old enough to know the ICP, the hip-hop version of KISS. Now, I’m no Juggalo, by any mean, but I still know fine musical greatness when I hear it. The Insane Clown Posse are right up there with John Lennon, Bob Dylan, and Taylor Swift (Folklore was fire and I’ll fight anyone who says otherwise) as the greatest song writers of all-time. Don’t believe me? Let me break down this song to prove it.
I fed a fish to a pelican at ‘Frisco bay
It tried to eat my cell phone, he ran away
Ok, I love that the ICP was able to throw in a personal anecdote into their song about miracles. Pretty sure these two bars of the song have no miracles mentioned whatsoever, but they just had to fit it in out of sheer frustration. And I get it. If a pelican tried to eat my iPhone, I’d be pissed.
Water, fire, air, and dirt
Fucking magnets, how do they work?
And I don’t wanna talk to a scientist
Y’all motherfuckers lying, and getting me pissed
Two things here: 1. that’s a great question. HOW DO MAGNETS WORK?! And 2. I love the reluctancy to turn to the only people who could legitimately explain how magnets work: scientists. Also, do a lot of scientists lie? I was unaware of this. I just assumed anything they would lie about could be easily discovered through, well, science. You trying to tell me chlorophyll isn’t what makes plants green?
Are you a believer in miracles?
Do you make time for the miracles?
Do you notice and recognize miracles?
So many miracles, the magic miracles
Really makes you think. Do YOU make time for miracles? Do you notice and recognize them?
Honestly, that’s probably why this world is so screwed up today. Not enough people taking a step back and realizing the miracles we have all around us.
Again, I’m not sure who needs to see this music video. I’m just trying to do my part by spreading this video to anyone and everyone (including Grit). Find someone you know, and spread the magic of miracles while also spreading the magic of Miracles.

P.S. Wanna go deeper? Here’s Violent J talking about magnets.
P.P.S. SNL’s spoof of this song is incredible.