It’s 2011. Time For Some New Sports.
I was driving down the road today and saw a perfectly good field that was being occupied by a bunch of little humans playing lacrosse.
So I thought to myself, “Lacrosse, seriously? Lacrosse?”. (Yes’ I actually did say that in my head).
What a dumb sport.
The fact that lacrosse is becoming popular among young people these days shows that we are in dire need of some new sports to be invented. So today I am going to show you two sports that need to become popular (or at least more popular than lacrosse).
Barrel Jumping
As you can see, this video is from 1952. Obviously barrel jumping didn’t catch on, but I don’t see why not. I may be in the minority here, but take me to an ice rink and I’d be much more entertained if a barrel jumping competition broke out than a hockey game. I think the reason it didn’t catch on in the 50s is because they didn’t let athletic people compete as made obvious by the “highlight” video you just viewed. I guess all the would-be-barrel jumpers are playing lacrosse now.
I want to play this sport right now. It’s near perfect. They even have an awesome website. And four goals.
Note: I am sorry if I offended any lacrosse players out there. But seriously, it’s lacrosse.
Bear-Blasting. A sport you’ll invent because you’re too energetic for normal sports.
Hump-Catting. Similar to Bear-Blasting.
To each his own, man. No need to say a certain sport is dumb just because it’s not your cup of tea. I mean, I’m really tempted to say that barrel jumping is a dumb sport but who am I to say so? Whatever floats your boat. If you can’t say anything nice, move on.
Murrieta Property Management
reply to randal:
I was actually to say that, although I’m not that sporty person, yet I do appreciate to watch any ball games.
I actually think barrel jumping is awesome…
I want to play kronum now. It is very interesting and challenging sport. This sport is a combination of basketball, football and Rugby. Cool and fun game!