Friday, February 14, 2025

Korked Bats

That Funny Sports Blog

Female Sprinter Qualified For The Olympics Wearing Cool Ranch Dorito Earrings, But Nacho Cheese Doritos Are Better

Look I respect the hustle, quite literally. I just don’t think Christina Clemons made the right choice in earrings.

Before I go any further, I’ve gotta get something off my chest, this has been my first blog in a while. I’m here to tell you that *Keanu Reaves voice* Yeah, I’m thinking I’m back. And it feels GREAT.

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I totally understand that the earrings match her outfit and nails (looks great) but I don’t understand people that prefer Cool Ranch over Nacho Cheese Doritos.

Nacho Cheese Doritos are inherently superior to Cool Ranch. Not only are they more delicious, they’re veterans in this game. After some diligent research (Google), I found that Doritos were first debuted in 1974. Nacho Cheese Doritos are only 3 years older than Tom Brady. Of course, we all know Tom Brady is 43 (soon to be 44), so Doritos have nearly been around for 50 years.

Meanwhile, Cool Ranch Doritos made their debut in 1986. Not a single quarterback born in 1986 is still playing in the NFL today. Do you get my point? You need a veteran in this game.

So I’m sorry Christina Clemons your earrings are “cool” (I’m so sorry for that) but it wouldn’t have been my first choice.

Nacho Cheese is far superior to Cool Ranch. I’m sorry that’s the only right answer.


A.D. is a Steelers season ticket holder and remembers when Wiz Khalifa was good. He hails from Pitt(sburgh), and has swam in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.


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