Everybody Knows Someone Who Baked Bread During Quarantine, But Microsoft Took It Too Far
Is nothing sacred? It’s bad enough Microsoft ripped Clippy from underneath our feet after removing him/her (does anyone know Clippy’s gender) from our lives in 2007. Clippy didn’t deserve this.
Is Microsoft trying to tell us something? Was Clippy removed from his position of power because of a failed drug test? Check out how baked he looks.

Sickening. All those years of him trying to help us on Microsoft Word, only for it all to end in a 400-degree pre-cooked oven. Not that I know exactly how to make bread or anything. But be honest. We all know someone who tried their hand at baking bread during quarantine. Well, I guess it took nearly a year for the folks at Microsoft to put down their Zune players and finally get a bread starter kit.

Those were dark, dark, gluten-filled days.