Monday, February 17, 2025

Korked Bats

That Funny Sports Blog

ESPN’s Wild Card Series Broadcasts Have Been Bad, But Don’t Take My Word For It

After a headline like that, I can’t help but start this blog with this sound.

I was going to blog about how disappointed I’ve been with ESPN’s Wild Card Series broadcasts thus far, but then I watched this clip of Rachel Luba and Jessica Kleinschmidt articulating it much better than I could have. So watch this:

They’re not wrong. In fact, they’re spot on. Someone at ESPN legitimately thought it was a good idea to interview guys like Justin Turner and Ramón Laureano during a freaking postseason game. And not just that, but a high intensity postseason game in a best-of-3 series. Look, I love in-game player interviews as much as anyone, but not during a postseason game. As Rachel said, these kind of games are entertaining enough. It’s like those cupcake shops who apply way too much icing.

We don’t need that much icing. The cake is a treat enough.

The only thing I’d add to Rachel’s take is the scorebug as well. There were multiple times throughout every game I watched where the scorebug operator was slower than Yadier Molina. For example: during Game 1 of the Cardinals-Fathers series, they went to commercial with the score 3-0 and came back with the score 4-0, because the operator missed a run. How do you miss a run? Plus, I can’t tell you how many guys struck out on a 1-2 count because the scorebug operator got the count wrong. Half-baked high school scoreboard operators think ESPN’s scorebug operator was slow.

Plus, the commentary itself was just bad. Like anyone’s dad talking during a game. They provided no unique insight to teams that any more-than-casual baseball fan doesn’t already know. And look, I get it. It can’t be easy calling a baseball game from Bristol, Connecticut when the game is being played in Oakland, California. And when it’s your second game of the day, it only gets more difficult. So I can give some leniency, but if you’re going to claim to be the Worldwide Leader, we kinda expect you to lead worldwide in your coverage. And right now, ESPN trails behind FOX, TBS, and Bravo in their MLB coverage. I know Bravo doesn’t cover MLB, but that’s my point. Andy Cohen knows the Cardinals better than the WWL.

If it sounded like Rick Sutcliffe (who I usually love), was broadcasting from his basement in San Diego, that’s because he literally was. He also, at one point, literally said, “I don’t have a single word of critique about how Major League Baseball has handled this year.” And then went on for a few minutes praising baseball on how they got their sport up and running.

Lol, good one, Rich. Did you spend the entire summer in your basement too? And do you even get WiFi down there? This was the most frustrating summer since ’94, and it was 94% because of Rob Manfred and the owners.


So not sure what my guy was talking about there. You don’t need to carry the water for baseball.

This blog has always been a big Jess Kleinschmidt house (see below), but Rachel Luba is right up there too, because you know this blog is a big Trevor Bauer house, and she’s his agent.

Kings stay kings.
Trevor Bauer > Jack Bauer

Plus, we’re obviously partial to the name of their podcast, Cork’d Up. Shout out things that are cork’d/korked. Check it out, it’s a great listen. These women know baseball better than anyone.

And if you wanna check out our chat with Jess, you can do that too. If you want. You don’t have to. Your call.


Austin hosts a country music morning radio show in Chicago after nearly a decade in sports talk radio (The Jim Rome Show, Steve Gorman SPORTS!) Colin Cowherd and Smash Mouth follow him on Twitter and he wears pants every day.


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