Doc Rivers Brings Something To The 76ers They’ve Been Missing For Years: An Actual Coach
Lock it in right now, people. The 76ers are winning the 2021 NBA Finals. Wrap this fake illegitimate bubble up as soon as possible so we can get to a full season that actually counts. Honestly, if Lebron wins this one it really shouldn’t count due to all of the crazy circumstances.

Now the 76ers have a lot to clean up to do, including somehow getting rid of Al Horford and adding to our non-existent bench, but Doc Rivers should be able to fix the other most pressing problems.
First off, as a real coach and not just Ben Simmons’ dad’s friend (still bitter about Brett Brown), he will be stern with the young point guard. Now that Doc is the head coach, we will actually see a development in Ben Simmons’ jump shot. How can I be so sure? I know for a fact that Rivers won’t hesitate to sit Ben’s ass if he doesn’t listen to Rivers’ instruction to shoot the damn ball.

Secondly, he will create an offense that actually compliments the talent the 76ers have. Some of the 76ers’ biggest problems occurred because Brett Brown believed an offense could work with an all-star center staying outside of the paint taking intermediate 3’s while the point guard only took shots inside of the paint. This backwards logic will never again be tried in the NBA. Why? Because no one as dumb as Brett Brown will ever be a head coach.
Finally, Doc Rivers will know not to take out Joel Embiid on an arbitrary schedule that completely ignores the ebbs and flow of a basketball game. There were points last season when Embiid looked unstoppable only for his own coach to pull him from the game.

Without Brett Brown’s generally horrible coaching and potentially evil motives With Doc Rivers at the helm of the Sixers immense talent and potential, there will be no stopping them from raising the Larry O’Brien trophy in 2021 thus completing the process.
Can’t wait for 2020 to be over!