Saturday, February 15, 2025

Korked Bats

That Funny Sports Blog

David Blatt Becomes Tickled After LeBron Asks Him To Hold His Water Bottle

David BlattCLEVELAND — During a pivotal game in the Eastern Conference Finals, Cleveland Cavaliers head “coach” David Blatt grew “tickled pink” after NBA superstar and Cleveland Cavaliers actual head coach LeBron James asked him to hold his water bottle.

“I wasn’t even really paying attention when LeBron called a timeout and asked me to hold his water bottle while he drew up a play for the next possession,” Blatt told reporters during the postgame. “I was totes excited and like on cloud nine from that moment on.”

Blatt added, “To be honest, I was just thrilled he knew my name.” The goofy looking head coach later clarified that LeBron called him Davis Bart, but it was “close enough, right?” according to Blatt.

After LeBron handed the bottle to Blatt, Cavaliers assistant coaches described Blatt’s demeanor as being starstruck, giddy, and aroused. “Did we even win?” Blatt asked. “To be honest, I spent the rest of the game building up the nerve to ask LeBron to sign the bottle for me.” Blatt then proudly held up the bottle that read: “To: Davis, You look like a Russian Astronaut, -LeBron James”

When asked about the moment, LeBron said he’s always up for signing items for Make A Wish kids.


Austin hosts a country music morning radio show in Chicago after nearly a decade in sports talk radio (The Jim Rome Show, Steve Gorman SPORTS!) Colin Cowherd and Smash Mouth follow him on Twitter and he wears pants every day.


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