Charlie Brown Is A Loser
First and foremost, shout out to Brent Dougherty for initially tipping me off to this idea. He casually dropped this on 3HL on 104.5 The Zone in Nashville last week, and now I can’t not see it. Charlie Brown is a loser. A doofus. A grade-A certified dodo bird. So for my weekly hit on their show this week, I expanded upon Brent’s initial idea. I took it and straight up ran with it and dug into all of the many reasons why Chuck is loser.
I know you may take serious offense to this. And I get it. Charles is absolutely beloved. Even people with peanut allergies love Charlie Brown. But aside from Cool Runnings, when is it ever ok to root for losers and/or accept defeat? All I’m asking is for you to open your period-inside-a-set-of- parentheses-shaped eyes and realize that Charlie Brown might be the worst character of the Peanuts gang. Good grief, stay woke, sheeple.