Monday, February 17, 2025

Korked Bats

That Funny Sports Blog

Braves Twitter Has Adopted A Potato As Their Rallying Cry. Why? Why The Hell Not?!

Braves Twitter remains arguably the best Twitter in baseball. And they remain undefeated (like their baseball team, until last night). From the pic of Tiger Woods wearing a photoshopped Braves hat…

…to now a potato.

Braves Twitter rallies together better than arguably any fan base in sports, and most definitely baseball, over some of the dumbest (but also funniest) things. And now it’s a damn rally potato. And Korked Bats couldn’t be more on board.

Now if you’re confused as to all the potatoes you’ve seen, don’t worry. You’re not alone. Or losing your mind. In fact, you’re probably a lot like Jeff here:

So let’s begin with the origin. How did it starch start? I’m still not 100% sure, but from what I gathered, it’s from this tweet from @RileyRakes.

pic via @JeffDonahoo_ and of course, Paul Byrd.

So @RileyRakes gets mailed a potato. Why? Who the hell knows. He tweets it. And Braves fans decide this is what they want to rally around. I’m here for it. The only thin I love more than potatoes are organic potato (tweets). Plus it only makes sense for Atlanta to rally around a potato. They did it once before with Spud.

So now all of Braves Twitter is on this potato.


So then we jumped into the fry fray.

Part of me wants to know who sent the potato, but then again another part of me feels like the person who sent the potato should remain a mystery, like whatever Bill Murray whispered to Scarlett Johansen at the end of Lost In Translation.

Maybe he said “potato.”

All I know is, I freaking love this. Why? Because I love random crap like this. And I love potatoes. Baked, mashed, fries, doesn’t matter. Just give give me all the starch. And yes, I may be a Dodgers fan with a very serious and painfully harsh punishment versus Grit on the line…

Shameless plug: Check out this week’s Junk Drawer.

…but that doesn’t mean I can’t also love the potato. Who knows if it will work or not? All the potato needs is 6 more wins. But regardless, well done, Braves Twitter. And remember, you can’t make french fries unless you chop on (a potato).

P.S. You want Potato shirts? We got Potato shirts. Check out our store, or click the image below. Available in BLUE, NAVY, GREY, and BLACK.


Austin hosts a country music morning radio show in Chicago after nearly a decade in sports talk radio (The Jim Rome Show, Steve Gorman SPORTS!) Colin Cowherd and Smash Mouth follow him on Twitter and he wears pants every day.


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