Austin Hates America
Like many patriots out there, I was enjoying a great soccer match between America and Brazil in the championship game of the Confederations Cup. Going into the game the yankee boys were clearly outmatched. It was David versus Goliath, 1980 USA Hockey versus the USSR, Boise State versus Oklahoma, James T. Kirk versus Captain Nemo, Frodo versus Sauron… you get the idea.
WHAAA! My heart sunk. My stomache ached. My head hurt. That was just the jinx that we needed for the U.S. to blow this.
America loses 3-2 in one of the most impressive second half rallies in recent memory. So what does Austin have to say for himself?
Too little too late Mr. Huff. Go back to the Soviet Union. Or give me my Confederations Cup. Until then, tell Ivan Drago hello for me.
I swear, when I get back stateside I´m taking Huff down. I blame him for this outrage.