Apparently You Can’t Hit The Taco Bell Drive-Thru Naked, Even If Your Clothes Are In The Washer
A man in Oklahoma reportedly learned that it is illegal to drive naked when he was apprehended doing so at a Taco Bell drive-thru. The suspect reportedly asked workers for extra sauce and an extra taco while not wearing any clothes.
Authorities responded to a call around 9 p.m. on Saturday night about a naked man in the fast-food restaurant’s drive-thru, Fox 25 reports.
According to police reports, 61-year-old Christopher Sale was naked in his vehicle when he ordered his food and paid for it. After paying, however, Sale reportedly requested an extra taco from the workers. He reportedly stayed in the drive-thru asking for additional items like sauce packets and napkins.
First question: did he receive his additional sauce packets and napkins?
Second question: why was he naked?
When authorities detained the man, he reportedly explained that his clothes were in the washer and that he was unaware that it was illegal to drive naked.
Who among us?!
My guy didn’t want to wait for his Cheesy Gordita Crunch. I can’t blame him. You realize how long it takes to dry clothes? My wife does our laundry, but I imagine its a long time! He probably figured he could hop in his truck (this guy is definitely a truck driver) and grab dinner before his Maytag finished its spin cycle. Brilliant plan, IMO. He just didn’t factor in being buff was grounds for arrest.
I’ll admit, this is news to me too. I always figured America was under a “your car, your rules” type of situation. I woulda figured that was added to the constitution after Henry Ford invented vehicles, but I guess not. Seat cover or not, you’re not allowed to be birthday suited up in your car. Duly noted.
But you’d think the Taco Bell drive-thru is one of the last sacred places in America where a person can be naked in public. Feels like Vegas and the Taco Bell drive-thru are the two places where laws should be way more lax. ESPECIALLY one of those combined Taco Bell/KFC’s, because those places are already breaking rules.
The main thing I guess we should point out is: does this guy only have one pair of clothes? If my favorite shirt is in the wash, I put on my second favorite shirt. Does this guy not have more clothes than are in his Whirlpool? I’m not trying to clothe shame anyone, but I just figured a majority of Americans own more than one pair of pants. Maybe I’m wrong.
But hey, silver lining: after getting arrested, I’m sure his clothes were dry by the time he got home, so win-win.