Friday, February 7, 2025

Korked Bats

That Funny Sports Blog

Antonio Brown Is Throwing Bicycles At Security Guard Shacks, Nature Is Healing

Just when we thought the year was spiraling out of control as we inch closer to end of this hell-scape we’ve been calling “2020,” we get hit with some news that’s as familiar as an old blanket.

After Antonio Brown “retired” earlier this year, I took the liberty of highlighting some of AB’s most memorable moments – everything from his musical debut, to his lego haircut, to showing up to camp in a hot air balloon, to even his frostbitten feet. AB has been a walking news headline over the last few years. Well, I’m happy to report, we’ve got yet another gem.

That headline is a Mad Lib. We know AB has a history of throwing furniture, but this time he’s traded furniture for a damn bicycle.

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers’ Antonio Brown reportedly destroyed a security camera in October and threw a bike at a security guard shack at the gated community where he lives, according to a Miami Herald report.

The incident, which reportedly began after one of Brown’s visitors had issues at the security gate, occurred two weeks before Brown signed with the Buccaneers. Police reportedly determined they had probable cause to charge Brown with misdemeanor criminal mischief, but the homeowner’s association president allegedly didn’t want to file charges, fearing Brown “may retaliate against her employees.”

HOA president Sylvia Berman spoke to the Herald, saying the HOA isn’t afraid of Brown, but the board did not believe the incident was significant enough to press charges. Brown reportedly offered to replace the camera.

via Yahoo! Sports

The bicycle, was in fact, thrown at a security shack. Has anyone checked on the security shack? I’d have to imagine the security shack will be going on the Injured Reserve and be out at least the league standard 3 weeks. One does not simply get a bicycle thrown at them and come away scot-free.

Also, sick power move by the HOA to not only say they’re not afraid of Brown, but then to double down by not pressing charges. Has to be the first time a bicycle was weaponized without charges being pressed, right?

But on a more serious note, we’ve seen some crazy workouts over the years. Whether it was Alvin Kamara pulling a Jeep or James Harrison playing volleyball with a medicine ball, there have certainly been some unorthodox workouts out there on the market. So maybe AB throwing a bicycle was just another example of the unorthodox workouts. We aren’t quick to judge here at Korked Bats. In fact, we talked about it more in depth on this week’s Junk Drawer (around the 56:55 mark). You should listen.


A.D. is a Steelers season ticket holder and remembers when Wiz Khalifa was good. He hails from Pitt(sburgh), and has swam in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.


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