A TikToker Went Viral For Owning 500+ Copies Of ‘Titanic’ On VHS, And I’ve Never Respected Anyone More
Half of the people in the world will think this guy is crazy.
Not the better half.
The 30-year-old Largo resident, who’s known only by his username, has gathered a cult following of nearly 50,000 social media users, mostly through TikTok, as he builds the self-proclaimed world’s largest collection of “Titanic” on VHS.
This is called the basement of dreams, and it truly was. Walls (plural) plastered full of over 500 copies of the dual-VHS case of Titanic? Are you kidding me? He’s even got the wall properly lined with the widescreen version of the movie (the gold cases). And apparently he wants to build the world’s largest collection of Titanic on VHS, which I’m gonna go on a limb and say he accomplished that feat when he got his third copy. But kudos to this dude anyway. Simple-minded dolts are probably reading this blog like, “Why would anyone want one VHS copy of that movie let alone an entire basement full?”
Ummm, why wouldn’t you? This movie tied Ben Hur for the most Academy Award wins of all time. It is undoubtedly James Cameron’s best movie, and that’s high praise, because he also made True Lies. Plus, it was, for many grown men my age, their first time seeing a boobie on the big screen. That’s not why I loved it though. I had a connection to this film unlike many people I knew. Or so I thought. I shared that connection on Kyle Ayers’s Never Seen It patreon.
But much like the movie Titanic, this isn’t a fairytale. There is someone out there trying to foil this dude’s plan.
He’s got competition. Another TikToker who collects “Shrek” on VHS is out to foil his plan and collect all the copies of “Titanic” on VHS he can find and destroy them.
This person is more of a monster than Shrek is. The only thing dumber than collecting Titanic on VHS is trying to stop someone else from doing it. Let the dude collect these things in peace, dammit. Personally, I’m all in on this dude. Sure, he’s a little out there.
But anyone who loves Titanic this much is ok by me. I’ve seen this movie dozens of times. Including six times in theaters alone. Seven if you count the 2012 re-release. So I respect the hustle, the grind, the content, and the pursuit of Titanic (on VHS). Because remember, you can be blasé about some things. But NOT about Titanic.
Oh, and also, of course this would be a Florida Man.