40 Nerfin’ Years!
We’re not famous athletes.
We’re not going to be.
But remember the days when we thought we would be?
Those were the days of NERF.
Today, NERF turns 40 years old. Let’s be honest, NERF was the first sports ball we ever owned. And if it wasn’t, then you’re probably Amish.
They’re soft, squishy, and don’t hurt. Unless you’re a panzy.
NERF has been goin’ strong for FORTY years now!
Which is no surprise when you see what they have come out with in the past, say 8-10 years?
I think it’s safe to say that in a NERF gun fight, our childhood would get rocked against the childhoods of today. Their NERF artillery technology is unfathomable.
For NERF’s 40th Anniversary, we here at Korked Bats wanted to help carry on the wonderful brand name by offering a list of toys that we think would make it in the NERF family of toys. These toys, if developed, could help to keep the brand going strong. So here they are…
The Top 5 NERF Toys
That SHOULD Be Made
It’s a NERF spin on the spear throwing Olympic sport.
It’s a NERF Ball for Dyslexic Kids.