Friday, February 14, 2025

Korked Bats

That Funny Sports Blog

24 Realistic ESPN Mobile Alerts

If you get ESPN Mobile Alerts to your phone, you might have noticed that their alerts seem to be getting more and more ridiculous by the day. They used to only buzz your phone with the biggest and most noteworthy breaking news updates, but now they seem to let you know about every single viral video and update that ESPN thinks is important. Not to mention, the descriptions in their alerts seem to be really weird. For example, take this recent update of a viral video of LeBron James making a full court shot:

ESPN Mobile Alert

Why did ESPN feel the need to add that he was shirtless? Seems like an unnecessary homoerotic detail.

So that got us thinking. What would ESPN Mobile Alerts look like if they were more realistic?

Realistic iPhone Notifications - ESPN 6

Realistic iPhone Notifications - ESPN 15

Realistic iPhone Notifications - ESPN 4

Realistic iPhone Notifications - ESPN 14

Realistic iPhone Notifications - ESPN 16

Realistic iPhone Notifications - ESPN 19

Realistic iPhone Notifications - ESPN 9

Realistic iPhone Notifications - ESPN 23

Realistic iPhone Notifications - ESPN 17

Realistic iPhone Notifications - ESPN 22

Realistic iPhone Notifications - ESPN 11

Realistic iPhone Notifications - ESPN 12

Realistic iPhone Notifications - ESPN 13

Realistic iPhone Notifications - ESPN 18

Realistic iPhone Notifications - ESPN 5

Realistic iPhone Notifications - ESPN 21

Realistic iPhone Notifications - ESPN 1

Realistic iPhone Notifications - ESPN 20

Realistic iPhone Notifications - ESPN 7

Realistic iPhone Notifications - ESPN 3

Realistic iPhone Notifications - ESPN 8

Realistic iPhone Notifications - ESPN 2

Realistic iPhone Notifications - ESPN 24

Realistic iPhone Notifications - ESPN 10


Austin hosts a country music morning radio show in Chicago after nearly a decade in sports talk radio (The Jim Rome Show, Steve Gorman SPORTS!) Colin Cowherd and Smash Mouth follow him on Twitter and he wears pants every day.


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